Thursday, September 6, 2007

Free C Language ebook

Approximately 75 percent of all new commercial programs introduced for the IBM PC have
been written in C, and the percentage is probably growing. Apple Macintosh system software
was formerly written in Pascal, but is now almost always written in C. The entire Applix 1616
operating system is written in C, with some assembler routines.
Since C was designed essentially by one person, and not by a committee, it is a very usable
language but not too closely defined. There was no official standard for the C language, but the
American National Standards Association (ANSI) has developed a standard for the language,
so it will follow rigid rules. It is interesting to note, however, that even though it did not have
a standard, the differences between implementations are usually small. This is probably due to
the fact that the original unofficial definition was so well thought out and carefully planned that
extensions to the language are not needed.


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