Thursday, September 6, 2007
A collection free ebooks
• Ajax In Action
• Hacker Disassembling Uncovered
• The Pragmatic Programmer
• C++ Network Programming,
• Advanced Perl Programming
• Cisco Networking Academy Program - CCNA 1 and 2 Companion Guide
• Penetration Testing and Network Defense
• Compilers Principles Techniques And Tools
• Cryptography, Theory And Practice
• Data Compression Reference
• Design Patterns - Reusable Object Oriented Software
• File System Forensic Analysis
• Game Development with Actionscript
• Graphics Programming with Perl
• Applied Cryptography
• How Debuggers Work
• Inside MS Windows 2000
• Tricks of the Java Programming Gurus
• Java Cookbook
• Linux System Admininistration Guide
• Malicious Cryptography - Exposing Cryptovirology
• Malware - Fighting Malicious Code
• Mastering Borland Delphi 6
• Memory Guide
• Optimizing Compilers for Modern Architectures
• Overclocking
• Python In A Nutshell
• Retro Gaming Hacks
• BSD Hacks
• OpenGL Programming Guide
• OpenGL SuperBible Third Edition
• Operating Systems - Design and Implementation
• Programming C++
• Programming from the Ground up
• Programming the MS Windows Driver Model
• Programming Role-playing Games With DirectX
• Reversing Secrets of Reverse Engineering
• Unix Shell Programming
• Secure Coding Principles and Practices
• Teach Yourself ActiveX In 21 Days
• Teach Yourself Borland Delphi In 21 Days
• The Art Of Computer Programming
• The Art Of Computer Virus Research And Defense
• The C Programming Language
• The OpenGL SuperBible
• The Linux Kernel
• The Art of Exploitation
• The C++ Programming Language
• The Secrets of Wireless Hacking
• Windows Forensics and Incident Recovery
• Introduction to 3D Game Programming With DirectX 9 0
• Professional Assembly Language
• Zen of Graphics Programming Second Ed
• Beginning Direct3D Game Programming, 2nd Edition
• Game Programming with Python, Lua, and Ruby
• Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus
• Tricks of the 3D Game Programming Gurus
• Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers
• Windows Scripting Guide
• Debugging Applications
• Network Programming for Microsoft Windows
• Microsoft Windows Internals
• Programming Applications for Microsoft Windows
• Programming Windows
• Visual C++ Windows Shell Programming
• Windows Assembly Language and Systems Programming
• Programming Microsoft Windows with C Sharp (C#)
• Hacker Disassembling Uncovered
• The Pragmatic Programmer
• C++ Network Programming,
• Advanced Perl Programming
• Cisco Networking Academy Program - CCNA 1 and 2 Companion Guide
• Penetration Testing and Network Defense
• Compilers Principles Techniques And Tools
• Cryptography, Theory And Practice
• Data Compression Reference
• Design Patterns - Reusable Object Oriented Software
• File System Forensic Analysis
• Game Development with Actionscript
• Graphics Programming with Perl
• Applied Cryptography
• How Debuggers Work
• Inside MS Windows 2000
• Tricks of the Java Programming Gurus
• Java Cookbook
• Linux System Admininistration Guide
• Malicious Cryptography - Exposing Cryptovirology
• Malware - Fighting Malicious Code
• Mastering Borland Delphi 6
• Memory Guide
• Optimizing Compilers for Modern Architectures
• Overclocking
• Python In A Nutshell
• Retro Gaming Hacks
• BSD Hacks
• OpenGL Programming Guide
• OpenGL SuperBible Third Edition
• Operating Systems - Design and Implementation
• Programming C++
• Programming from the Ground up
• Programming the MS Windows Driver Model
• Programming Role-playing Games With DirectX
• Reversing Secrets of Reverse Engineering
• Unix Shell Programming
• Secure Coding Principles and Practices
• Teach Yourself ActiveX In 21 Days
• Teach Yourself Borland Delphi In 21 Days
• The Art Of Computer Programming
• The Art Of Computer Virus Research And Defense
• The C Programming Language
• The OpenGL SuperBible
• The Linux Kernel
• The Art of Exploitation
• The C++ Programming Language
• The Secrets of Wireless Hacking
• Windows Forensics and Incident Recovery
• Introduction to 3D Game Programming With DirectX 9 0
• Professional Assembly Language
• Zen of Graphics Programming Second Ed
• Beginning Direct3D Game Programming, 2nd Edition
• Game Programming with Python, Lua, and Ruby
• Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus
• Tricks of the 3D Game Programming Gurus
• Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers
• Windows Scripting Guide
• Debugging Applications
• Network Programming for Microsoft Windows
• Microsoft Windows Internals
• Programming Applications for Microsoft Windows
• Programming Windows
• Visual C++ Windows Shell Programming
• Windows Assembly Language and Systems Programming
• Programming Microsoft Windows with C Sharp (C#)
Asp dot net With C sharp
We are sanguine that this book will go a long way in providing ample food for thought, to sate the technological hunger of your minds. We implore you to put in sedulous effort in mastering this language, by reading all the material provided to you in this book with sincerity, and also by trying out all the examples that have been presented. We are confident that on doing so, you will be able to scale dizzying heights in the world of Internet programming.
The Art Of Computer Game Design
This developing revolution has nothing to do with the rapid technological developments of the last few years. While technological improvements will surely continue, we are no longer hampered primarily by the limitations of the hardware. Our primary problem is that we have little theory on which to base our efforts. We don?t really know what a game is, or why people play games, or what makes a game great. Real art through computer games is achievable, but it will never be achieved so long as we have no path to understanding. We need to establish our principles of aesthetics, a framework for criticism, and a model for development. New and better hardware will improve our games, but it will not guarantee our artistic success any more than the development of orchestras guaranteed the appearance of Beethoven. We are a long way from a computer game comparable to a Shakespeare play, a Tchaikowsky symphony, or a Van Gogh self portrait. Each of these artists stood on the shoulders of earlier artists who plunged into an unexplored world and mapped out its territories so that later artists could build on their work and achieve greater things. We computer game designers must put our shoulders together so that our successors may stand on top of them. This book is my contribution to that enterprise.
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Creating Adventure Games On Your Computer
Let's face it. Life can be pretty tame, sometimes. There don't seem to be many dragons waiting to be slain in my city, and chests heaped high with abandoned gold are in scarce supply. I can't remember the last time I met an Evil Magician down at the local supermarket, and it's been ages since I discussed battle tactics with sentient androids at the local tavern.
The hunger for excitement lies in all of us. The desire to take on the personalities of other, more vibrant, people-even for just an hour or so-is a common one. Although you can't conjure up devils and werebears, envoke the power of a Shield of Protection, or employ trolls to carry sacks of emeralds from the ruins of an abandoned castle, role-playing games allow you to do just that.
Adventure gaming has hit the big time. You've probably seen the claims that it is the "fastest growing game in the world." Whether that's true or not, it indicates that Adventure gaming is a leisure pursuit which satisfies the inner needs of many people.
You may well have taken part in Adventure role-playing games yourself.
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The hunger for excitement lies in all of us. The desire to take on the personalities of other, more vibrant, people-even for just an hour or so-is a common one. Although you can't conjure up devils and werebears, envoke the power of a Shield of Protection, or employ trolls to carry sacks of emeralds from the ruins of an abandoned castle, role-playing games allow you to do just that.
Adventure gaming has hit the big time. You've probably seen the claims that it is the "fastest growing game in the world." Whether that's true or not, it indicates that Adventure gaming is a leisure pursuit which satisfies the inner needs of many people.
You may well have taken part in Adventure role-playing games yourself.
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Free Dreamweaver Tutorials from Vecpix
If you're new to web design or an old veteran you can't have failed to have heard about CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). These files that you can attach (or tags you can embed in a particular page) allow for intricate page layout, text control, etc. In this tutorial I'll be taking you through creating a simple page layout using only two CSS Styles.
I know that sounds a bit simplistic, but once you see how easy some of the techniques are you'll wonder why you ever bothered creating pages the old fashioned way.
Our page is going to consist of two tables and one style sheet (comprising of 2 styles). We are going to outline the tables, have different shades within the table and use a repeating graphic for the table heading.
Take a quick look at the HTML code for the page and you'll be able to see that a lot of the information on the page isn't there. However, at the top of the source code you should see . This tells the browser to use the file default.css to control the way certain elements on the page are displayed. In the first part of this tutorial we are going to create that style sheet and define our two style tags. We'll also take a look at how altering the style sheet will update all the pages that are linked to it without our intervention. So, as you can see, style sheets make altering aspects of your entire website as easy as changing a single parameter. Cool huh?
We'll be using DreamweaverMX for this tutorial, but the differences with earlier versions of Dreamweaver may vary, but only slightly.
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I know that sounds a bit simplistic, but once you see how easy some of the techniques are you'll wonder why you ever bothered creating pages the old fashioned way.
Our page is going to consist of two tables and one style sheet (comprising of 2 styles). We are going to outline the tables, have different shades within the table and use a repeating graphic for the table heading.
Take a quick look at the HTML code for the page and you'll be able to see that a lot of the information on the page isn't there. However, at the top of the source code you should see . This tells the browser to use the file default.css to control the way certain elements on the page are displayed. In the first part of this tutorial we are going to create that style sheet and define our two style tags. We'll also take a look at how altering the style sheet will update all the pages that are linked to it without our intervention. So, as you can see, style sheets make altering aspects of your entire website as easy as changing a single parameter. Cool huh?
We'll be using DreamweaverMX for this tutorial, but the differences with earlier versions of Dreamweaver may vary, but only slightly.
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Dreamweaver 8 at a Glance
Important Notes
• A local site must be defined before creating or editing pages.
• The directory structure must be the same for the local and remote sites.
• Create and edit pages on your local site. Local pages are then transferred to the remote server.
• A local site must be defined before creating or editing pages.
• The directory structure must be the same for the local and remote sites.
• Create and edit pages on your local site. Local pages are then transferred to the remote server.
Active Server Pages asp Tutorial
Welcome to the Active Server Pages (ASP) tutorial. If you are new to Microsoft® Internet Information Services (IIS), this introduction provides necessary information about tutorial directory structure and permission issues. The two tutorial modules show you how to build sample applications, while demonstrating key concepts you'll need to understand when developing your own ASP pages. We suggest you work through each lesson in Module One before starting Module Two.
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Introduction To Databases For The Web
What is a database?
Once upon a time, in the primitive and barbarian days before computers, the amount of information shepherded by a group of people could be collected in the wisdom and the stories of its older members. In this world, storytellers, magicians, and grandparents were considered great and honored storehouses for all that was known.
Apparently, and according to vast archeological data, campfires were used (like command-line middleware) by the younger members of the community to access the information stored in the minds of the elders using API's such as
public String TellUsAboutTheTimeWhen(String s);.
And then of course, like a sweeping and rapidly-encompassing viral infection, came agriculture, over-production of foodstuffs, and the origins of modern-day commerce
Once upon a time, in the primitive and barbarian days before computers, the amount of information shepherded by a group of people could be collected in the wisdom and the stories of its older members. In this world, storytellers, magicians, and grandparents were considered great and honored storehouses for all that was known.
Apparently, and according to vast archeological data, campfires were used (like command-line middleware) by the younger members of the community to access the information stored in the minds of the elders using API's such as
public String TellUsAboutTheTimeWhen(String s);.
And then of course, like a sweeping and rapidly-encompassing viral infection, came agriculture, over-production of foodstuffs, and the origins of modern-day commerce
HTML Tutorial
You should be aware that there are historically many versions of the HTML specification. You will read most about the HTML 3.0, 3.2, and 4.0 specification. I have tried to display HTML tags and attributes that are supported by the 3.2 and 4.0 specification, but cannot guarantee that all tags and attributes contained herein will work in all versions of HTML. There are several HTML common document types when refering to HTML 4.0 which are:
• Strict - HTML 4.0 without frame or HTML 3.2 depreciated feature support.
• Frame - HTML 4.0/3.2 with frame support.
• Transitional or loose - Supports features of HTML 3.2 that are being depreciated in HTML 4.0. This DTD does not support framesets. Some depreciated tags/elements not supported by strict HTML 4.0 are CENTER, FRAME, FRAMESET, NOFRAMES, IFRAME, ISINDEX, DIR, MENU, APPLET, BASEFONT, FONT, S, STRIKE, and U.
• Strict - HTML 4.0 without frame or HTML 3.2 depreciated feature support.
• Frame - HTML 4.0/3.2 with frame support.
• Transitional or loose - Supports features of HTML 3.2 that are being depreciated in HTML 4.0. This DTD does not support framesets. Some depreciated tags/elements not supported by strict HTML 4.0 are CENTER, FRAME, FRAMESET, NOFRAMES, IFRAME, ISINDEX, DIR, MENU, APPLET, BASEFONT, FONT, S, STRIKE, and U.
XML and Databases
The first question you need to ask yourself when you start thinking about XML and databases is why you want to use a database in the first place. Do you have legacy data you want to expose? Are you looking for a place to store your Web pages? Is the database used by an e-commerce application in which XML is used as a data transport? The answers to these questions will strongly influence your choice of database and middleware (if any), as well as how you use that database.
For example, suppose you have an e-commerce application that uses XML as a data transport. It is a good bet that your data has a highly regular structure and is used by non-XML applications. Furthermore, things like entities and the encodings used by XML documents probably aren't important to you -- after all, you are interested in the data, not how it is stored in an XML document. In this case, you'll probably need a relational database and software to transfer the data between XML documents and the database. If your applications are object-oriented, you might even want a system that can store those objects in the database or serialize them as XML.
On the other hand, suppose you have a Web site built from a number of prose-oriented XML documents. Not only do you want to manage the site, you would like to provide a way for users to search its contents. Your documents are likely to have a less regular structure and things such as entity usage are probably important to you because they are a fundamental part of how your documents are structured. In this case, you might want a product like a native XML database or a content management system. This will allow you to preserve physical document structure, support document-level transactions, and execute queries in an XML query language.
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For example, suppose you have an e-commerce application that uses XML as a data transport. It is a good bet that your data has a highly regular structure and is used by non-XML applications. Furthermore, things like entities and the encodings used by XML documents probably aren't important to you -- after all, you are interested in the data, not how it is stored in an XML document. In this case, you'll probably need a relational database and software to transfer the data between XML documents and the database. If your applications are object-oriented, you might even want a system that can store those objects in the database or serialize them as XML.
On the other hand, suppose you have a Web site built from a number of prose-oriented XML documents. Not only do you want to manage the site, you would like to provide a way for users to search its contents. Your documents are likely to have a less regular structure and things such as entity usage are probably important to you because they are a fundamental part of how your documents are structured. In this case, you might want a product like a native XML database or a content management system. This will allow you to preserve physical document structure, support document-level transactions, and execute queries in an XML query language.
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Java Servlets And Jsp
Java, whether you love it, or hate it, it's here to stay. Like everyone's favorite language C, Java has had a major impact on the computing scene. When the history of computers is written, its name will be up there with the stars.
If you were to choose just one language to learn today, it should be Java. It's being pushed aggressively by Sun and is growing by leaps and bounds. There are lots of Java programmers out there and more join the party every day.
Java started out as a bit of an accident. A team under Bill Joy was working at Sun on a new programming language for embedded applications. Java was originally expected to work in toasters and fridges, not on modern computers! The initial prognosis for Java was not good and it was only the rise of the Internet which saved Java from oblivion. Since then, neither the Net nor Sun nor Java has looked back and all have grown from strength to strength.
In this book, we start off assuming that you know no programming language at all. We've focussed on the place where Java is most prevalent, the server. We're going to be teaching you Java one concept at a time and taking things real slow and easy. We believe that the best way to learn is to try and absorb just one concept at a time. We're here to help you learn, not to overwhelm you.
We like the concept of freedom, especially when it comes to information. We've occasionally picked up ideas for our examples from programs we've found online or in the product documentation. We've got information from so many sources, we can't credit them all, but we are grateful to them. In turn, we'd like you to use the code you'll find within in any way you wish.
Happy Learning!!!!
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If you were to choose just one language to learn today, it should be Java. It's being pushed aggressively by Sun and is growing by leaps and bounds. There are lots of Java programmers out there and more join the party every day.
Java started out as a bit of an accident. A team under Bill Joy was working at Sun on a new programming language for embedded applications. Java was originally expected to work in toasters and fridges, not on modern computers! The initial prognosis for Java was not good and it was only the rise of the Internet which saved Java from oblivion. Since then, neither the Net nor Sun nor Java has looked back and all have grown from strength to strength.
In this book, we start off assuming that you know no programming language at all. We've focussed on the place where Java is most prevalent, the server. We're going to be teaching you Java one concept at a time and taking things real slow and easy. We believe that the best way to learn is to try and absorb just one concept at a time. We're here to help you learn, not to overwhelm you.
We like the concept of freedom, especially when it comes to information. We've occasionally picked up ideas for our examples from programs we've found online or in the product documentation. We've got information from so many sources, we can't credit them all, but we are grateful to them. In turn, we'd like you to use the code you'll find within in any way you wish.
Happy Learning!!!!
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Free Thinking in C Plus Plus 2nd Edition by Bruce Eckel ebook
Use the full power of C++
• First Edition Winner 1996 Jolt Award for Best Book of the Year.
• Learn practical programming and best practices.
• Meet the difficult challenges of C++ development.
• Build reliable and robust programs.
• Design Patterns chapter shows sophisticated use of objects, composition and polymorphism.
• Provides a gentle introduction to multithreaded programming, a feature being considered for the next version of Standard C++.
• Defensive Programming chapter includes a simple unit-testing framework and debugging techniques.
• In-depth treatment of Standard C++ Library facilities including strings, iostreams, and the "STL" algorithms and containers.
• Modern usage of templates, including template metaprogramming.
• Unravels the perplexities of multiple inheritance.
• Shows practical uses for RTTI.
• Explores exception handling in depth and clearly explains exception-safe design.
• Compliant with the official ISO C++ Standard.
• Presents results of current research being considered for inclusion in the next revision of Standard C++.
• All code examples freely downloadable, tested on multiple platforms and compilers including the free GNU C++ compiler on Windows/Mac/Linux.
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• First Edition Winner 1996 Jolt Award for Best Book of the Year.
• Learn practical programming and best practices.
• Meet the difficult challenges of C++ development.
• Build reliable and robust programs.
• Design Patterns chapter shows sophisticated use of objects, composition and polymorphism.
• Provides a gentle introduction to multithreaded programming, a feature being considered for the next version of Standard C++.
• Defensive Programming chapter includes a simple unit-testing framework and debugging techniques.
• In-depth treatment of Standard C++ Library facilities including strings, iostreams, and the "STL" algorithms and containers.
• Modern usage of templates, including template metaprogramming.
• Unravels the perplexities of multiple inheritance.
• Shows practical uses for RTTI.
• Explores exception handling in depth and clearly explains exception-safe design.
• Compliant with the official ISO C++ Standard.
• Presents results of current research being considered for inclusion in the next revision of Standard C++.
• All code examples freely downloadable, tested on multiple platforms and compilers including the free GNU C++ compiler on Windows/Mac/Linux.
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C Plus Network Programming
Readers will find coverage of:
• C++ network programming, including an overview and strategies for addressing common development challenges The ACE Toolkit
• Connection protocols, message exchange, and message-passing versus shared memory
• Implementation methods for reusable networked application services
• Concurrency in object-oriented network programming
• Design principles and patterns for ACE wrapper facades
With this book, C++ developers have at their disposal the most complete toolkit available for developing successful, multiplatform, concurrent networked applications with ease and efficiency.
• C++ network programming, including an overview and strategies for addressing common development challenges The ACE Toolkit
• Connection protocols, message exchange, and message-passing versus shared memory
• Implementation methods for reusable networked application services
• Concurrency in object-oriented network programming
• Design principles and patterns for ACE wrapper facades
With this book, C++ developers have at their disposal the most complete toolkit available for developing successful, multiplatform, concurrent networked applications with ease and efficiency.
Free Thinking in c ebook
A Flash-based audio-visual seminar to introduce you to the fundamentals of the C language which will help you move on to C-based languages like C++, Java and C#. This seminar was formerly delivered on the CD-ROM bound into the 2nd and 3rd editions of Thinking in Java, and the 2nd edition, Volume 1 of Thinking in C++.
This is the release candidate and will be the final version unless bugs are discovered. This also tests the new download server configuration.
This version makes some small changes to simplify and improve usability.
The seminar uses Flash 7, and should thus work on all Flash-supported platforms including Linux.
Unzip the file that you download and open the Index.html file that's in the main directory. That file should explain everything (if it does not, let me know).
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This is the release candidate and will be the final version unless bugs are discovered. This also tests the new download server configuration.
This version makes some small changes to simplify and improve usability.
The seminar uses Flash 7, and should thus work on all Flash-supported platforms including Linux.
Unzip the file that you download and open the Index.html file that's in the main directory. That file should explain everything (if it does not, let me know).
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Free C Language ebook
Approximately 75 percent of all new commercial programs introduced for the IBM PC have
been written in C, and the percentage is probably growing. Apple Macintosh system software
was formerly written in Pascal, but is now almost always written in C. The entire Applix 1616
operating system is written in C, with some assembler routines.
Since C was designed essentially by one person, and not by a committee, it is a very usable
language but not too closely defined. There was no official standard for the C language, but the
American National Standards Association (ANSI) has developed a standard for the language,
so it will follow rigid rules. It is interesting to note, however, that even though it did not have
a standard, the differences between implementations are usually small. This is probably due to
the fact that the original unofficial definition was so well thought out and carefully planned that
extensions to the language are not needed.
been written in C, and the percentage is probably growing. Apple Macintosh system software
was formerly written in Pascal, but is now almost always written in C. The entire Applix 1616
operating system is written in C, with some assembler routines.
Since C was designed essentially by one person, and not by a committee, it is a very usable
language but not too closely defined. There was no official standard for the C language, but the
American National Standards Association (ANSI) has developed a standard for the language,
so it will follow rigid rules. It is interesting to note, however, that even though it did not have
a standard, the differences between implementations are usually small. This is probably due to
the fact that the original unofficial definition was so well thought out and carefully planned that
extensions to the language are not needed.
IBM Voice Over Frame Relay Perform Guide
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Design Consideration for a VoFR Network
Chapter 3. Installation and Configuration Activities
Chapter 4. Sample Scenarios
Chapter 5. Performance Tuning, and Monitoring
Appendix A. Sample Statement of Work
Appendix B. Pre-installation Site Review
Appendix C. Basic Telephony Terminology
Appendix D. Specifications of IBM 9783
Appendix E. 9783 Connectors and Cables
Appendix F. Command Summary
Appendix G. Troubleshooting the 9783
Chapter 2. Design Consideration for a VoFR Network
Chapter 3. Installation and Configuration Activities
Chapter 4. Sample Scenarios
Chapter 5. Performance Tuning, and Monitoring
Appendix A. Sample Statement of Work
Appendix B. Pre-installation Site Review
Appendix C. Basic Telephony Terminology
Appendix D. Specifications of IBM 9783
Appendix E. 9783 Connectors and Cables
Appendix F. Command Summary
Appendix G. Troubleshooting the 9783
Campus ATM LAN Emulation and Classical IP Implementation
This redbook describes the LAN emulation over ATM client/server model. LAN
emulation is an ATM service that provides the migration from existing LANs to
an ATM environment. LAN emulation does what its name implies; it emulates
the operation of traditional LANs, and in doing so, makes the
connection-oriented nature of ATM transparent to existing applications on
end-user workstations. This book describes the functions, frame formats and
protocols used by LAN emulation as specified by the ATM Forum. It shows how
IBM's products implement LAN emulation over ATM as well as how to physically
install, configure, and manage these endsystems and ATM connections.
This book was written for networking professionals who need to understand and
implement LAN emulation over ATM in order to migrate from existing LAN
topologies to an ATM environment, where traditional Ethernet and token-ring
LANs coexist with new ATM networks. Knowledge of local area networking
concepts and protocols, an understanding of the basic concepts of ATM
networking, as well as the fundamentals of data communications, is required
in order for the reader to benefit from this publication.
emulation is an ATM service that provides the migration from existing LANs to
an ATM environment. LAN emulation does what its name implies; it emulates
the operation of traditional LANs, and in doing so, makes the
connection-oriented nature of ATM transparent to existing applications on
end-user workstations. This book describes the functions, frame formats and
protocols used by LAN emulation as specified by the ATM Forum. It shows how
IBM's products implement LAN emulation over ATM as well as how to physically
install, configure, and manage these endsystems and ATM connections.
This book was written for networking professionals who need to understand and
implement LAN emulation over ATM in order to migrate from existing LAN
topologies to an ATM environment, where traditional Ethernet and token-ring
LANs coexist with new ATM networks. Knowledge of local area networking
concepts and protocols, an understanding of the basic concepts of ATM
networking, as well as the fundamentals of data communications, is required
in order for the reader to benefit from this publication.
OS2 to Linux Client Transition
Chapter 1. Introduction to Linux
Chapter 2. Platform considerations
Chapter 3. Functional considerations
Chapter 4. Linux client administration
Chapter 5. Coexistence considerations
Chapter 6. Migration considerations
Chapter 7. Linux client installation
Appendix A. Basic Linux for OS/2 users
Appendix B. Additional material
Chapter 2. Platform considerations
Chapter 3. Functional considerations
Chapter 4. Linux client administration
Chapter 5. Coexistence considerations
Chapter 6. Migration considerations
Chapter 7. Linux client installation
Appendix A. Basic Linux for OS/2 users
Appendix B. Additional material
Free Thinking in c ebook
A Flash-based audio-visual seminar to introduce you to the fundamentals of the C language which will help you move on to C-based languages like C++, Java and C#. This seminar was formerly delivered on the CD-ROM bound into the 2nd and 3rd editions of Thinking in Java, and the 2nd edition, Volume 1 of Thinking in C++.
This is the release candidate and will be the final version unless bugs are discovered. This also tests the new download server configuration.
This version makes some small changes to simplify and improve usability.
The seminar uses Flash 7, and should thus work on all Flash-supported platforms including Linux.
Unzip the file that you download and open the Index.html file that's in the main directory. That file should explain everything (if it does not, let me know).
This is the release candidate and will be the final version unless bugs are discovered. This also tests the new download server configuration.
This version makes some small changes to simplify and improve usability.
The seminar uses Flash 7, and should thus work on all Flash-supported platforms including Linux.
Unzip the file that you download and open the Index.html file that's in the main directory. That file should explain everything (if it does not, let me know).
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