Monday, October 22, 2007

Thursday, September 6, 2007

suggestions and requests

I welcome any suggestions or request for any topic of ebooks

A collection free ebooks

• Ajax In Action
• Hacker Disassembling Uncovered
• The Pragmatic Programmer
• C++ Network Programming,
• Advanced Perl Programming
• Cisco Networking Academy Program - CCNA 1 and 2 Companion Guide
• Penetration Testing and Network Defense
• Compilers Principles Techniques And Tools
• Cryptography, Theory And Practice
• Data Compression Reference
• Design Patterns - Reusable Object Oriented Software
• File System Forensic Analysis
• Game Development with Actionscript
• Graphics Programming with Perl
• Applied Cryptography
• How Debuggers Work
• Inside MS Windows 2000
• Tricks of the Java Programming Gurus
• Java Cookbook
• Linux System Admininistration Guide
• Malicious Cryptography - Exposing Cryptovirology
• Malware - Fighting Malicious Code
• Mastering Borland Delphi 6
• Memory Guide
• Optimizing Compilers for Modern Architectures
• Overclocking
• Python In A Nutshell
• Retro Gaming Hacks
• BSD Hacks
• OpenGL Programming Guide
• OpenGL SuperBible Third Edition
• Operating Systems - Design and Implementation
• Programming C++
• Programming from the Ground up
• Programming the MS Windows Driver Model
• Programming Role-playing Games With DirectX
• Reversing Secrets of Reverse Engineering
• Unix Shell Programming
• Secure Coding Principles and Practices
• Teach Yourself ActiveX In 21 Days
• Teach Yourself Borland Delphi In 21 Days
• The Art Of Computer Programming
• The Art Of Computer Virus Research And Defense
• The C Programming Language
• The OpenGL SuperBible
• The Linux Kernel
• The Art of Exploitation
• The C++ Programming Language
• The Secrets of Wireless Hacking
• Windows Forensics and Incident Recovery
• Introduction to 3D Game Programming With DirectX 9 0
• Professional Assembly Language
• Zen of Graphics Programming Second Ed
• Beginning Direct3D Game Programming, 2nd Edition
• Game Programming with Python, Lua, and Ruby
• Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus
• Tricks of the 3D Game Programming Gurus
• Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers
• Windows Scripting Guide
• Debugging Applications
• Network Programming for Microsoft Windows
• Microsoft Windows Internals
• Programming Applications for Microsoft Windows
• Programming Windows
• Visual C++ Windows Shell Programming
• Windows Assembly Language and Systems Programming
• Programming Microsoft Windows with C Sharp (C#)


Asp dot net With C sharp

We are sanguine that this book will go a long way in providing ample food for thought, to sate the technological hunger of your minds. We implore you to put in sedulous effort in mastering this language, by reading all the material provided to you in this book with sincerity, and also by trying out all the examples that have been presented. We are confident that on doing so, you will be able to scale dizzying heights in the world of Internet programming.


The Art Of Computer Game Design

This developing revolution has nothing to do with the rapid technological developments of the last few years. While technological improvements will surely continue, we are no longer hampered primarily by the limitations of the hardware. Our primary problem is that we have little theory on which to base our efforts. We don?t really know what a game is, or why people play games, or what makes a game great. Real art through computer games is achievable, but it will never be achieved so long as we have no path to understanding. We need to establish our principles of aesthetics, a framework for criticism, and a model for development. New and better hardware will improve our games, but it will not guarantee our artistic success any more than the development of orchestras guaranteed the appearance of Beethoven. We are a long way from a computer game comparable to a Shakespeare play, a Tchaikowsky symphony, or a Van Gogh self portrait. Each of these artists stood on the shoulders of earlier artists who plunged into an unexplored world and mapped out its territories so that later artists could build on their work and achieve greater things. We computer game designers must put our shoulders together so that our successors may stand on top of them. This book is my contribution to that enterprise.

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Creating Adventure Games On Your Computer

Let's face it. Life can be pretty tame, sometimes. There don't seem to be many dragons waiting to be slain in my city, and chests heaped high with abandoned gold are in scarce supply. I can't remember the last time I met an Evil Magician down at the local supermarket, and it's been ages since I discussed battle tactics with sentient androids at the local tavern.
The hunger for excitement lies in all of us. The desire to take on the personalities of other, more vibrant, people-even for just an hour or so-is a common one. Although you can't conjure up devils and werebears, envoke the power of a Shield of Protection, or employ trolls to carry sacks of emeralds from the ruins of an abandoned castle, role-playing games allow you to do just that.
Adventure gaming has hit the big time. You've probably seen the claims that it is the "fastest growing game in the world." Whether that's true or not, it indicates that Adventure gaming is a leisure pursuit which satisfies the inner needs of many people.
You may well have taken part in Adventure role-playing games yourself.

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Free Dreamweaver Tutorials from Vecpix

If you're new to web design or an old veteran you can't have failed to have heard about CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). These files that you can attach (or tags you can embed in a particular page) allow for intricate page layout, text control, etc. In this tutorial I'll be taking you through creating a simple page layout using only two CSS Styles.
I know that sounds a bit simplistic, but once you see how easy some of the techniques are you'll wonder why you ever bothered creating pages the old fashioned way.
Our page is going to consist of two tables and one style sheet (comprising of 2 styles). We are going to outline the tables, have different shades within the table and use a repeating graphic for the table heading.
Take a quick look at the HTML code for the page and you'll be able to see that a lot of the information on the page isn't there. However, at the top of the source code you should see . This tells the browser to use the file default.css to control the way certain elements on the page are displayed. In the first part of this tutorial we are going to create that style sheet and define our two style tags. We'll also take a look at how altering the style sheet will update all the pages that are linked to it without our intervention. So, as you can see, style sheets make altering aspects of your entire website as easy as changing a single parameter. Cool huh?
We'll be using DreamweaverMX for this tutorial, but the differences with earlier versions of Dreamweaver may vary, but only slightly.

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